Monday, February 11, 2008

He's over it!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guess what guys? He's over it. and by it I mean seeing his children. He had ONE visitation and has not seen them since then!!!!!!!! He has not called in over a week to speak with his children either. I didn't figure it would last long,,,,,but I really thought after all that legal crap, he would have made more of a show. I really hate it for my kids, they really had fun with him that Saturday. He has no idea how his actions are affecting these children. They are now saying "if he calls, I'm not here!" I know they are only 10 yrs. old but I hate to make them talk to him. It took every fiber of my being to get them to agree to leave this house with him that ONE time, I think he has really blew it with them now. THEY HOLD GRUDGES.
Anyway, this may be where he gets what he gives. Can you guys believe this? 4 days it took me to get them to agree to see him again and now ..........well I dont know!!!........Do you have any suggestions?

P.S. He still has not dropped that contempt thing against me either!!!!

GOD BLESS!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 31, 2008


Okay, he called and I had to let him see his children. I am not happy about it because as of today he has still not dropped this whole contempt of court thing and has still not made the child support payment he promised. But anyway the kids had fun for the few hours they were with him. I told him they could not spend the night because the kids really did not know who he was and that it would take some time for him to get to know them again. I have a real uneasy feeling about all of this, I don't want my kids to get hurt again and I feel like this is just something to help him look better in CS court. I am trying to do the right thing here people but let me tell you...........its the hardest thing I have ever had to do!!!!!!!!!! I will continue to keep posting the updates.

On the up side, the kids are having a better time with the teachers at school!!!!!!!!

With God's Love we can do this, and maybe he will "Get What He Gives"

Monday, January 14, 2008


Okay, here goes. My ex husband, who for the past two years has been trying to get me to have my husband adopt my twins so he does not have to pay support which by the way he is $11,000.00 behind on and has not even attempted to see or contact his kids in over 5 years, just served me with contempt of court papers saying that I have refused him visitation for 5 or 6years!!!! Are you kidding me!! CAN YOU SAY SON OF A SUCKING BISCUIT. I have worked two jobs and given up any possible type of an "easy" life because of this man and his inability to take care of what needs to be taken care. He already got remarried less than 24 hrs. of our divorce being final and had another child less than 8 months from the date of our separation. HELLO!!!!! Do I have torture me and please keep messing with my emotions and my life, which would obviously be my children written on my forehead. Please give me a break.
Unfortunately, I know that I am not the only "FIRST WIFE" dealing with this type of cruel joke of this universe. If you guys are out there........Give some support and the promise that this thing will get better.............PLEASE!!!!!!!